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What Does Quarantine Mean To Quranteens?

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

While many adults have transitioned to a work from home life, practicing social distancing, and a stay at home order to control the spread of COVID -19 there's another overlooked group thrust into this pandemic madness. Born between 2001 and 2007 are your quaranteens. Life as they known it has drastically change as school doors, malls, and other well known locations have shut their doors.

What does this quarantine mean? Well for one the right of passage that other generations before them have experienced, will no longer apply to the older population. That's right, their 12th grade graduation ceremony. Just think about this for a moment and imagine the devastation class of 2020 is currently experiencing. For sure there are prom dresses hanging up symbolizing this soon to be celebratory event. Along with the various senior functions now completely erased with no chance of ever returning to this moment again.

For other quaranteens this unprecedented event means longer hours sleeping, although online schooling does offer some sense of normalcy with time, more live chat conversations, and virtual hangouts. Lets not forget those that have initiated an early summer movement that includes gaming all through the night, zoom parties, multiple Uber Eats deliveries, and endless social media challenges.

Wherever quaranteens fall within this spectrum we champion their ability to maneuver courageously through these uncertain times. Look at it this way quaranteens, you now are equipped with one of the greatest skill set that most adults have yet to acquire and that's the ability to overcome difficult challenges. Continue to work on this skill set as mastery will help you unlock your greatest potential.


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